General Ticket and Event Information

Tickets are free and and we ask that you reserve them when attending our orchestra concerts. This assists us with planning and demographics reporting for grants.

Tickets are also for open seating, so you may want to arrive early to save your seat(s). Late seating is not guaranteed.  If there are any questions, please contact the OSM office.

Safety Guidelines

  • Please do not attend the concert if experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or have tested positive and are still in recommended isolation period.
  • Full vaccination or recent negative COVID-19 viral test prior to entry recommended; Boosters encouraged 
  • Masking for the general public is based on individual preference. Vulnerable populations, and those who have contact with them should consider masking in indoor public spaces. It is strongly recommended that anyone in quarantine (i.e., a close contact to a person with a confirmed case of COVID-19) wears a well-fitting mask for recommended quarantine period.

  • For more information, please visit L.A. County Dept of Public Health, Covid-19